Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 21

It is interesting as we await miracles to happen in our life together. I have been "told" by Him who knows all, that lessons are being taught, learned, and there are struggles that are delaying it. I know Father knows what is best for all involved.

So many times in my short life :) I have witnessed the desire to do good, or our struggles with patience, or there are a myriad of other things that we don't totally appreciate, which get in the way of Eternal Lessons that Father is teaching. In my opinion, that is why He does not bless us, often, with things we THINK we need, because we would dash out and destroy lessons He is teaching to our family, to loved ones, etc.

So as we wait, learn lessons, try to exercise faith in His control of all things, try to understand the reasoning behind some things that do happen and some things that do not happen, He is teaching, loving, and showing that love if we can only recognize it, feel it and know it to be there.

Miracles happen all the time. We just have to "see" them, through the tangled mess that Satan puts in front of us.

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