Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 15

I have been taking this time to review my thoughts and feelings about the counsel from the General Conference we just completed. What a wonderful source of inspiration from His disciples. What a wonderful day we live in, where we can get inspiration from our leaders constantly. I wonder how often the saints of yesteryear enjoyed counsel and direction from their prophets?

I remember one of the brethren telling us that at dinner table each night (please remember that I am old and am paraphrasing and probably doing that not quite perfectly) they discussed who they served that day. It was a challenge to serve someone different each day.

I thought what a wonderful idea. If we had a daily time when we were to report, or be held accountable to goals we have set, it would motivate us to make sure we did it. When we report our home teaching each month, (or visiting teaching) we know that by the end of the month we shall be held accountable. I wonder how much of it would not get done if we didn't have that time deadline to report. (The principle of reporting is another topic that could be treated, commented on in this place, but we shall see later...)

Back to my train of thought. What is we paused each day at dinner (and that is assuming that we pause each day to eat at a dinner table) and report how we built up the Kingdom today? I would propose that serving someone is building the Kingdom. It builds he whom you serve as well as the server.

Just for this blog's purposes, let us have a definition for a moment.

Kingdom Of God: According to Bruce R. McConkie, and that is the definition I am using, the Kingdom of God is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints today.

Zion: Zion, at least in MY blog, is the condition that existed during the days of Enoch. Sure it is the pure in heart, but it also defines the condition of the City of Enoch, which I feel strongly will be established on earth before Christ returns.

So, since this is my blog, I assume these two definitions of these two goals, dreams, visions I have and that is the purpose of this blog.

Now to conclude for today, I think if I set a time each day when I report, at least to my Father in Heaven, if no one else, what effort I have made to build the Kingdom, thus building me, that would be a good goal to honor. No?

One additional item. I have a dear sister who often reads this blog, but does not feel comfortable adding comments. Please dear friend, do not feel embarrassed or worried that your words will not be received and accepted. I am just an individual using this medium to share thoughts and learn. The more who share their thoughts and ideas, the more I learn and progress toward these two goals, visions.

Thanks again for reading, I shall continue...

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