Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 7

Elder Bruce R. McConkie said, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as it is now constituted is the Kingdom of Go on earth.... The Church and the kingdom are one and the same." Elder McConkie also said that the Kingdom will continue through the millennium, but in that day it will be both an ecclesiastical and political kingdom. Thirdly, he said that the kingdom of God is also referred to the Celestial Kingdom.

So when we commit ourselves to build the Kingdom of God, what are we promising? Are we promisinig to build up the church? I can't see any other explanation, can you? We promise to "build up" the church. Of course that means making sure that we are the best members we can be. We obey the commandments, fulfill our stewardships. And we even go further than that. Is that enough?

As I commented in Day 6, often I feel there is so much more I can do. When I am going beyond my stewardship, that which I feel is required, that is when I feel the sweet Spirit of confirmation that I am approaching fulfilling this convenant. Now please understand I am only talking for Bill Partridge and how I feel about fulfilling this covenant. You see, when I write these words, since I do not know if anyone else reads it, thus I am just pontificating (is that a word) or just plain expressing feelings that are only about me.

Another "whispering of the Spirit" tells me that we are all in different stations, conditions in this life about where we are. Those with young kids, those with no kids, those with no spouse, etc, all are and should be looking at these promises we make in different eyes. I am just sharing what I feel, what the sweet whispers tell me as I am thinking about, pondering how I can "lengthen my stride" in doing the things I should be doing.

Now if I am to be doing something, it doesn't mean that everyone is in the same condition I am, I am just blubblering. If anyone what to share, comment on my blubbering, then that can help open my eyes, help me learn and grow toward what I need to become.

So my blog, my ponderings, my insights are to awaken in myself (or anyone else who happens to read these words) the moments of thought that I receive while I am alone thinking and communing.

Will continue with day 8 in a few days. Thanks for reading, I guess...

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