I wanted to discuss with you the importance of having pure desires of the heart. But as I have sought out noting the miracles of this day, it became apparent to me that you have to be in tune to see and recognize miracles of each day. I awoke to snow on the mountains this morning. It was cold. Rather than seek out miracles, I just thought how cold it was and how we have not had any autumn. I worried that it may turn to winter without the calm, peaceful, wonderful fall we are used to. I went to work, wondering what was going to become of me and how I was going to continue on.
In other words, I let the "stuff" of the day make me blind and I did not see, or notice the miracles that Father put into my path. Then since I was supposed to note miracles through the day, I thought about it, but saw none.
Then I started thinking if it would be right in His eyes to request miracles? I mean those sick of Spirit or body approached Christ and knew that if they touched Him, they would be healed. Is that possible in these Latter Days?
I know we can't seek to "touch" our Savior, but if we have the faith, can we decide upon a miracle we desire and then ask for it? Rather than go looking for miracles in our day, perhaps we are supposed to ask Him for the miracles we feel we need.
Is it wrong to ask for a miracle of some sort? Or do miracles come only when He decides we need it?
He is a God of Miracles. By faith is a miracle wrought. "A beneficial event brought about divine power that mortals do not understand.." So, is it wrong to ask for a miracle?
We recently listed our home. The reasons are not important, but the challenge we will have can be listed. The economy is awful. There are three on our tiny cul-de-sac that are for sale. No one has any money. So, the miracle I ask for is the selling of my home. It truly would be a miracle to have someone purchase this home so we could serve a mission together. So, I will ask Father for this miracle. Do I have faith it will happen?
Ponder for a moment the correctness of asking for a certain miracles. Is it wrong?
The science of miracles. Teach me, give me your input. Since there seems to be only one folllower of this blog, perhaps she can teach me?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Day 9
A dear sister of mine shared with me that she taught about miracles yesterday. She shared with me her lesson and how she felt it influenced those sisters who were in attendance. I listened and learned from her testimony, from what she shared with me about miracles. She presented a masterfully prepared overview of what Christ taught about miracles and then promised that if we are observant, we will see miracles surrounding us each and every day.
As I ponder about the lessons I have learned from her, I feel she spent hours and hours, prayers, and much effort in her preparation. She BUILT the Kingdom in her small way on Sunday, sharing with others her views, and those things the Spirit taught her.
Isn't that what we covenant to do in the temple? Shouldn't we all seek opportunities to do the same. If we have a stewardship to build the Kingdom by teaching, great. But what if we don't? Then how do we build the Kingdom and fulfill our duties?
Teaching is one great way to build the Kingdom. But there are so many other ways to build the Kingdom. That is what I want to research and learn about. How do I build the Kingdom daily? How do I make a difference in the Kingdom? Do I fulfill that duty by studying the scriptures? Do I do that by loving my fellow man? Please share with me what your thoughts are on building the kingdom.
This sweet sister certainly did yesterday. Did I? Did I strive to build the Kingdom today? Will I tomorrow? Is it something we should dwell upon and work toward daily?
I feel that no matter our stewardship or our callings in the Sunday Church, we can build the kingdom every day. We should strive to build it every day, some how. Won't the Spirit whisper to us, if we only listen, what we could, should do?
If I remember, and I am certainly so very old, I want to discuss about the desires of the heart the next time I write in this Blog. That is something else I have learned recently.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Day 8
Elder McConkie said that one of the three definitions of "the Kingdom" is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on earth in these days. When we agree to build up the Kingdom, I guess I would like to understand exactly what the Kingdom is, with reference to the Church we all belong to.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has been established for the last time through Joseph Smith. It is for the benefit of all the Saints of God, those currently within the church through baptism as well as those who are His "chosen" who "know" his voice. (those are whom the missionaries are seeking to find) I feel honored to be a part of His Kingdom. It will not fail. I can't help but be reminded of Brother Joseph who said that, "No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing..."
A few years ago in conference, one of the brethren stated that the Kingdom is like a train. It is moving forward at a high speed. Once in a while some of us members get off the train due to our misdeeds. The train goes forward with or without us. It is then our duty to get back on the train through repentance. I love the symbology of the train being a fast moving train.
So when we think about building up the Kingdom, I would propose that means that we work with those in our own boxcar rumbling along the train tracks of life. We strengthen the weary, the hands that hang down, the eyes that are wet with tears, those with sore knees who need a smile or a hug, those who mourn or secretly ache with heavy trials but while in church on Sunday, they reply that all is well.
Building the Kingdom, to me, just means that we seek out opportunities to serve, to give, to love, to cheer-up, to thank, to go beyond our comfort zone, to offer hope to those who are facing heavy trials, etc.
Building the Kingdom is just being a giving, loving, caring, compassionate person. It means that I need to quit worrying about my unclear future, my own trials, my own prison cell, my own "opportunities of growth" and lose myself in the service of others, helping them cope, learn, and grow. (it is amazing when I do so, my own trials are of such little importance, and I can cope easier with them...)
Since we are reminded of that continuously, I should take that to heart, learn to live by faith, forget my own challenging blessings, and always seek for someone to uplift.
I worked with a soul once who said that the main part of his early morning prayer was asking Father whom he could serve that day, even at the expense of his own plans. Then he told of stories, miracles, blessings, etc that he had received through the years.
I guess the lesson from this that I learn is that I should be more aware of others, more concerned how I can be an "angel" for someone else as the brethren spoke about in the last conference. It is a constant need, thus I have miles to go before I can rest, and by thus doing, I probably won't want to rest for I will be so involved with building the Kingdom I will make it a habit, not a seldom thought of event.
The Kingdom-Train moves forward at a fast pace. I want to be involved with this train. But it is totally up to me. What makes me joyous? What makes me happy? What fills me with Spirit? Do I feel Perfect Brightness of Hope? If not, why not?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has been established for the last time through Joseph Smith. It is for the benefit of all the Saints of God, those currently within the church through baptism as well as those who are His "chosen" who "know" his voice. (those are whom the missionaries are seeking to find) I feel honored to be a part of His Kingdom. It will not fail. I can't help but be reminded of Brother Joseph who said that, "No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing..."
A few years ago in conference, one of the brethren stated that the Kingdom is like a train. It is moving forward at a high speed. Once in a while some of us members get off the train due to our misdeeds. The train goes forward with or without us. It is then our duty to get back on the train through repentance. I love the symbology of the train being a fast moving train.
So when we think about building up the Kingdom, I would propose that means that we work with those in our own boxcar rumbling along the train tracks of life. We strengthen the weary, the hands that hang down, the eyes that are wet with tears, those with sore knees who need a smile or a hug, those who mourn or secretly ache with heavy trials but while in church on Sunday, they reply that all is well.
Building the Kingdom, to me, just means that we seek out opportunities to serve, to give, to love, to cheer-up, to thank, to go beyond our comfort zone, to offer hope to those who are facing heavy trials, etc.
Building the Kingdom is just being a giving, loving, caring, compassionate person. It means that I need to quit worrying about my unclear future, my own trials, my own prison cell, my own "opportunities of growth" and lose myself in the service of others, helping them cope, learn, and grow. (it is amazing when I do so, my own trials are of such little importance, and I can cope easier with them...)
Since we are reminded of that continuously, I should take that to heart, learn to live by faith, forget my own challenging blessings, and always seek for someone to uplift.
I worked with a soul once who said that the main part of his early morning prayer was asking Father whom he could serve that day, even at the expense of his own plans. Then he told of stories, miracles, blessings, etc that he had received through the years.
I guess the lesson from this that I learn is that I should be more aware of others, more concerned how I can be an "angel" for someone else as the brethren spoke about in the last conference. It is a constant need, thus I have miles to go before I can rest, and by thus doing, I probably won't want to rest for I will be so involved with building the Kingdom I will make it a habit, not a seldom thought of event.
The Kingdom-Train moves forward at a fast pace. I want to be involved with this train. But it is totally up to me. What makes me joyous? What makes me happy? What fills me with Spirit? Do I feel Perfect Brightness of Hope? If not, why not?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Day 7
Elder Bruce R. McConkie said, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as it is now constituted is the Kingdom of Go on earth.... The Church and the kingdom are one and the same." Elder McConkie also said that the Kingdom will continue through the millennium, but in that day it will be both an ecclesiastical and political kingdom. Thirdly, he said that the kingdom of God is also referred to the Celestial Kingdom.
So when we commit ourselves to build the Kingdom of God, what are we promising? Are we promisinig to build up the church? I can't see any other explanation, can you? We promise to "build up" the church. Of course that means making sure that we are the best members we can be. We obey the commandments, fulfill our stewardships. And we even go further than that. Is that enough?
As I commented in Day 6, often I feel there is so much more I can do. When I am going beyond my stewardship, that which I feel is required, that is when I feel the sweet Spirit of confirmation that I am approaching fulfilling this convenant. Now please understand I am only talking for Bill Partridge and how I feel about fulfilling this covenant. You see, when I write these words, since I do not know if anyone else reads it, thus I am just pontificating (is that a word) or just plain expressing feelings that are only about me.
Another "whispering of the Spirit" tells me that we are all in different stations, conditions in this life about where we are. Those with young kids, those with no kids, those with no spouse, etc, all are and should be looking at these promises we make in different eyes. I am just sharing what I feel, what the sweet whispers tell me as I am thinking about, pondering how I can "lengthen my stride" in doing the things I should be doing.
Now if I am to be doing something, it doesn't mean that everyone is in the same condition I am, I am just blubblering. If anyone what to share, comment on my blubbering, then that can help open my eyes, help me learn and grow toward what I need to become.
So my blog, my ponderings, my insights are to awaken in myself (or anyone else who happens to read these words) the moments of thought that I receive while I am alone thinking and communing.
Will continue with day 8 in a few days. Thanks for reading, I guess...
So when we commit ourselves to build the Kingdom of God, what are we promising? Are we promisinig to build up the church? I can't see any other explanation, can you? We promise to "build up" the church. Of course that means making sure that we are the best members we can be. We obey the commandments, fulfill our stewardships. And we even go further than that. Is that enough?
As I commented in Day 6, often I feel there is so much more I can do. When I am going beyond my stewardship, that which I feel is required, that is when I feel the sweet Spirit of confirmation that I am approaching fulfilling this convenant. Now please understand I am only talking for Bill Partridge and how I feel about fulfilling this covenant. You see, when I write these words, since I do not know if anyone else reads it, thus I am just pontificating (is that a word) or just plain expressing feelings that are only about me.
Another "whispering of the Spirit" tells me that we are all in different stations, conditions in this life about where we are. Those with young kids, those with no kids, those with no spouse, etc, all are and should be looking at these promises we make in different eyes. I am just sharing what I feel, what the sweet whispers tell me as I am thinking about, pondering how I can "lengthen my stride" in doing the things I should be doing.
Now if I am to be doing something, it doesn't mean that everyone is in the same condition I am, I am just blubblering. If anyone what to share, comment on my blubbering, then that can help open my eyes, help me learn and grow toward what I need to become.
So my blog, my ponderings, my insights are to awaken in myself (or anyone else who happens to read these words) the moments of thought that I receive while I am alone thinking and communing.
Will continue with day 8 in a few days. Thanks for reading, I guess...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Day 6
Though few have commented on my ramblings, one friend commented that the first goal of my "building the Kingdom" should be building myself, then my wife, then my family. I do agree that building myself, getting more in tune with the Holy Ghost, becoming more serviceable, and just plain drawing closer the way I should live should be number one in my visions and dreams. Then working with my wife on this goal. I do agree.
In fact, not to pat myself on the back, nor to say I have reached that yet, but in my days of service in "the Kingdom" I have noted that many people are struggling with that very idea, to be worthy of the Holy Ghost, to live the gospel, and to feel good about their lives. This is not to say that I feel good about my life, I still need much to be done, much to improve on, much to draw closer to the Spirit.
However, at least in my mind and heart, I feel that I must seek beyond my own petty trials, my own struggles, and my efforts to earn the HIGH REWARD from Father. I, at least me, just me and myself, I feel that to draw closer to the Spirit, to become where we all must arrive, I must do more than just try myself. I must put into practice the principle, "... when ye have done it unto the least of these...." I guess that is the main reason for this blog, is to get me thinking, pausing, considering, pondering, and trying to decide what I MUST DO to perfect myself first, as I have been counselled. THEN help others.
I am just trying to say that I feel the way to help, at least me, become more perfect is to work on helping others, for in service, and in thinking about building the Kingdom, in thinking about Zion, in studying the precepts of Zion, in drawing closer to this way of life, I can be better, become better, and along the way perhaps help someone else.
Not the extend to perfecting anyone else. No, that is their challenge. But I figure if I extend myself beyond my comfort zone by teaching, writing in this blog, by encouraging others, first I am helping myself become that way, the "AS IF" principle. Then if I can serve someone else, then the Spirit accompanies that learning I am doing.
You see, I love and try to follow Elder Hollands counsel in 1985 when he said, "We must take every opportunity to learn and to grow" -- and I figure that is what I am doing by serving, thinking about Zion and the Kingdom. to continue with Elder Holland ".. to dream dreams and see visions, and work toward their realization" and that is what I am doing, dreaming dreams about Zion, and seeing visions about what should be, what can be, and trying to help create that Zion, continuing ".. rest on our swords for a time if necessary, then get up and start fighting again..." That is my goal. I dream dreams often, can envision what Zion should be like, how I need to build the Kingdom in my own way, and work toward these ideals.
Well, enough for today, day 6. Thanks for your comments, for it gets me to read, to evaluate my own feelings as well as yours.
In fact, not to pat myself on the back, nor to say I have reached that yet, but in my days of service in "the Kingdom" I have noted that many people are struggling with that very idea, to be worthy of the Holy Ghost, to live the gospel, and to feel good about their lives. This is not to say that I feel good about my life, I still need much to be done, much to improve on, much to draw closer to the Spirit.
However, at least in my mind and heart, I feel that I must seek beyond my own petty trials, my own struggles, and my efforts to earn the HIGH REWARD from Father. I, at least me, just me and myself, I feel that to draw closer to the Spirit, to become where we all must arrive, I must do more than just try myself. I must put into practice the principle, "... when ye have done it unto the least of these...." I guess that is the main reason for this blog, is to get me thinking, pausing, considering, pondering, and trying to decide what I MUST DO to perfect myself first, as I have been counselled. THEN help others.
I am just trying to say that I feel the way to help, at least me, become more perfect is to work on helping others, for in service, and in thinking about building the Kingdom, in thinking about Zion, in studying the precepts of Zion, in drawing closer to this way of life, I can be better, become better, and along the way perhaps help someone else.
Not the extend to perfecting anyone else. No, that is their challenge. But I figure if I extend myself beyond my comfort zone by teaching, writing in this blog, by encouraging others, first I am helping myself become that way, the "AS IF" principle. Then if I can serve someone else, then the Spirit accompanies that learning I am doing.
You see, I love and try to follow Elder Hollands counsel in 1985 when he said, "We must take every opportunity to learn and to grow" -- and I figure that is what I am doing by serving, thinking about Zion and the Kingdom. to continue with Elder Holland ".. to dream dreams and see visions, and work toward their realization" and that is what I am doing, dreaming dreams about Zion, and seeing visions about what should be, what can be, and trying to help create that Zion, continuing ".. rest on our swords for a time if necessary, then get up and start fighting again..." That is my goal. I dream dreams often, can envision what Zion should be like, how I need to build the Kingdom in my own way, and work toward these ideals.
Well, enough for today, day 6. Thanks for your comments, for it gets me to read, to evaluate my own feelings as well as yours.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Day 5
Today is Saturday. As I paused before I started this day, I evaluated HOW I was going to build the Kingdom today. What can I do to strengthen the Kingdom, more that I do every other Saturday. In my many, many Saturdays gone by, there are certain things that I end up doing. Will today be different? What am I going to do to build up the Kingdom, at least in my own mind, let alone in the mind of someone else?
The Kingdom is: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I will think about, continue preparing my talk for tomorrow, for since I am a High Councilman, I will be talking in another ward. I have thought of a few things I can do to strengthen, help another family that isn't expecting it. I will continue to strengthen the relationship between myself and my eternal companion. I will continue to strive to be inspired by Father what I should be doing to prepare for our unknown future and the changes that are coming. I will try to build up a stranger that I meet this day, no matter who or where they are. I will contact someone from my past that I have not talked to for quite a time and express love and interest.
If I pause each day and commit to go beyond the casual, every day events that I have been doing each day for hundreds of days, then perhaps that will be building the Kingdom.
If I am willing, shouldn't I be doing something of my own free will without waiting for an assignment from my leaders? That scripture in section four about having desires? If I have desires, then I should be "anxiously engaged" of my own free will and choice. If I pray to be led to someone who needs a smile, a call, or just a "hello" that is also building the Kingdom and trying to get them to feel the principle of love and charity.
Guess I better get going and stop typing away here. Perhaps you should do the same thing. Let's make commitments each day as we start the day to uplift someone else. Deal?
The Kingdom is: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I will think about, continue preparing my talk for tomorrow, for since I am a High Councilman, I will be talking in another ward. I have thought of a few things I can do to strengthen, help another family that isn't expecting it. I will continue to strengthen the relationship between myself and my eternal companion. I will continue to strive to be inspired by Father what I should be doing to prepare for our unknown future and the changes that are coming. I will try to build up a stranger that I meet this day, no matter who or where they are. I will contact someone from my past that I have not talked to for quite a time and express love and interest.
If I pause each day and commit to go beyond the casual, every day events that I have been doing each day for hundreds of days, then perhaps that will be building the Kingdom.
If I am willing, shouldn't I be doing something of my own free will without waiting for an assignment from my leaders? That scripture in section four about having desires? If I have desires, then I should be "anxiously engaged" of my own free will and choice. If I pray to be led to someone who needs a smile, a call, or just a "hello" that is also building the Kingdom and trying to get them to feel the principle of love and charity.
Guess I better get going and stop typing away here. Perhaps you should do the same thing. Let's make commitments each day as we start the day to uplift someone else. Deal?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Day 4 and 1/2
NEWS FLASH: I just talked to Bonnie, and she agrees. I have seldom, if ever been content. But then we discussed whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. Guess we will have to evaluate it today in our activities, and wait for others to help decide...
Day 4
I have been accused, lovingly, by a friend that I am never content. In thirty years, he feels that I have seldom... been content. So, that creates in my mind what is contentment? Why would someone who knows me well mention such a thing? Am I not content?
What is contentment? I would propose that contentment is being satisfied with who you are, what you are, and where you are.
Am I satisfied with who or what I am? At times. Other times I realize how I could, and should be a better father, better husband, better servant, just better. So I guess I am not totally content at who I am and what I am.
Am I content with where I am? Not really. I get this feeling that I am still waiting... For what? I don't know, it is just a feeling.
Now, back to the reason for this blog. My dear friend says that my lack of contentment oozes out of what I write on this blog. I guess it does. It is hard to hide how one feels when he is writing feelings and thoughts of the heart. I do feel a desire, a need, an urge to work toward that wonderful condition that was enjoyed by Enoch in his Zion. Perhaps it is just me. Perhaps it is just something that effects me and no one else. My vision that many people feel the same as I do, is possibly in error, and no one feels as I do.
But while I long for that sociality, that charity felt between everyone involved, that condition of love and caring between everyone, I shall continue to be, I guess, discontented.
When I study the scriptures, I read many times when this condition existed. Since the people on earth now are destined to help usher in the millennium, I just figured that there are many who feel the same way, many who are seeking this condition, many who quietly desire to be involved, for it will indeed exist once again, according to the words of the prophets.
So, am I content, or not? Is writing this blog about strengthening the Kingdom and establishing Zion just expressing my desire for something I cannot have? Should I be content on this day of my birth, be grateful for what I have, thoroughly enjoy what is given to me and quit seeking more?
I appreciate my dear friend for opening my eyes to what contentment is and making me think about it. Through thirty years in knowing him I have never been content. But that brings up another subject. Are there people in this life (like me) who are always seeking to become better, find a better life, create more joy with others, climb a higher mountain, serve more people, read more scriptures and just be MORE? Or should we be content in what we have been given, and thankful for it, quit seeking the end of the rainbow, and smile?
That is a question I invite anyone who happens to read this to comment on, for I am pondering this day what I am to learn from this experience. Am I content? Should I be?
What is contentment? I would propose that contentment is being satisfied with who you are, what you are, and where you are.
Am I satisfied with who or what I am? At times. Other times I realize how I could, and should be a better father, better husband, better servant, just better. So I guess I am not totally content at who I am and what I am.
Am I content with where I am? Not really. I get this feeling that I am still waiting... For what? I don't know, it is just a feeling.
Now, back to the reason for this blog. My dear friend says that my lack of contentment oozes out of what I write on this blog. I guess it does. It is hard to hide how one feels when he is writing feelings and thoughts of the heart. I do feel a desire, a need, an urge to work toward that wonderful condition that was enjoyed by Enoch in his Zion. Perhaps it is just me. Perhaps it is just something that effects me and no one else. My vision that many people feel the same as I do, is possibly in error, and no one feels as I do.
But while I long for that sociality, that charity felt between everyone involved, that condition of love and caring between everyone, I shall continue to be, I guess, discontented.
When I study the scriptures, I read many times when this condition existed. Since the people on earth now are destined to help usher in the millennium, I just figured that there are many who feel the same way, many who are seeking this condition, many who quietly desire to be involved, for it will indeed exist once again, according to the words of the prophets.
So, am I content, or not? Is writing this blog about strengthening the Kingdom and establishing Zion just expressing my desire for something I cannot have? Should I be content on this day of my birth, be grateful for what I have, thoroughly enjoy what is given to me and quit seeking more?
I appreciate my dear friend for opening my eyes to what contentment is and making me think about it. Through thirty years in knowing him I have never been content. But that brings up another subject. Are there people in this life (like me) who are always seeking to become better, find a better life, create more joy with others, climb a higher mountain, serve more people, read more scriptures and just be MORE? Or should we be content in what we have been given, and thankful for it, quit seeking the end of the rainbow, and smile?
That is a question I invite anyone who happens to read this to comment on, for I am pondering this day what I am to learn from this experience. Am I content? Should I be?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Day 3
Since changes are coming into my life in the coming days, and since I have been places where I am reminded of my "duties", I can't help but think of these promises I have made with my
Eternal Parents. D. and C. section:4 states that if you have desires, you are called to the work. I am trying to figure that one out. Father knows of my desires. What does it mean to be called? Have I been fulfilling a "calling" the past five years in Brigham City? What does "the work" mean?
With my thoughts about being called, having desires, and being "willing" to give all I have to build up Zion and work on strengthening the Kingdom, I only can do what I can do. I must make the correct decision so my Savior (Left) can indeed come in and sup with us. I must hear His knock, what His knock means, and how I can open my ears, my heart, and know what he is asking of me.
You see, with my house on the market to sell, with my employment which ended about two months ago, with desires being mixed with being called according to the scriptures, with searching where to search for gainful employment, or investigating the option of serving full time as a missionary, all these things weigh heavily on my mind.
But deep within, I KNOW HE IS AWARE of our hearts, our testimony, and our willingness to go, serve, and be whatever, or wherever He desires. He just must show me where to go.
No matter where we end up, we will be remembering the challenge, the willingness of giving all we have to Him. I know we are not required to do that now, but how we treat "things" and "stuff" about which we will certainly be judged.
I appreciate opinions expressed by anyone who has two cents, or even a dimes worth of comments. I won't promise to agree, but it opens my eyes to different ways of thinking. Thanks.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Day Two
I guess I should consider that the first covenant we make is we must give ALL THAT WE HAVE or will have to building up the Kingdom. I often wonder what it means, "All that we have, or will have" to build up the Kingdom.
So, if we give all we have; time, talents, money, possessions, blessings, etc to build up the Kingdom, does that mean we use our time 100% of each day to build up the Kingdom? Do we strive to strengthen the wards and stakes where we live? Should we forget the things of this world to build up the Kingdom? Or are the things of this world part of the Kingdom? Is my job part of the Kingdom? When I use my money to go to a movie, am I forgetting to us that to build up the Kingdom? How do I build up the Kingdom? Should that be part of my thought process every day?
Or as I struggle to just get through each day without giving up, without screaming UNCLE, without killing someone, should I assume that I am building the Kingdom by NOT killing one of my employees or kids?
It is a challenge. What does that mean when I say I will build up the Kingdom? Is it easy or hard? Do I need to do more than I am doing?
A few years ago, the Brethren asked us to pray to open the nations to missionary work. If praying enough? Is desire enough? If our days are spent just barely coping with the trials we have, is that building the Kingdom? Should be do more? Can we do more?
That is a subject that is up for debate. My older sister said once that every minute I spend at work, I am building the Kingdom for I am doing what is necessary to build my family which isp art of the Kingdom. As I go to work each day, my wife says that I am building the Kingdom, through the hours at work do not involve preaching the gospel, nor saving a soul, at least as for as I can see.
Then, as we commit to build the Kingdom is that a commitment to do only as time allows, or as life permits, or as circumstances let me?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Another Dream and Vision
Day 1
It is time again to begin pursuing Zion. It is a goal I have had for a long time, and yet there are so many times when it seems so far from my mind. So to begin, I am going to commit to write on this blog for 100 days, starting today September 15, 2009. I don't know if I will be able to write every day, but it will be constantly on my mind, and hopefully I will be able to share my thoughts on this covenant we all make in the temple.
All are invited to share, comment, and disagree or agree. But whether anyone does or not, I just need the challenge to write, think about, plan on what I can do better to draw closer to our main goal to establish Zion.
I find this subject is drawing more attention, for in each conference, I listen for and often hear reference to this subject from our leaders. It gives joy to my soul to hear it is a more common theme in these latter days.
Elder Holland said in 1985 that we should take every opportunity to learn, to dream dreams and see visions, and work toward their realization... Working toward establishing a Zion has always been my dream. Thus, as I start this new blog about realizing that dream or vision, I note it is "another" dream, but the same one I had before, and many others have.
So, I commit to strive to work toward that goal once again, that of establishing Zion.
It is time again to begin pursuing Zion. It is a goal I have had for a long time, and yet there are so many times when it seems so far from my mind. So to begin, I am going to commit to write on this blog for 100 days, starting today September 15, 2009. I don't know if I will be able to write every day, but it will be constantly on my mind, and hopefully I will be able to share my thoughts on this covenant we all make in the temple.
All are invited to share, comment, and disagree or agree. But whether anyone does or not, I just need the challenge to write, think about, plan on what I can do better to draw closer to our main goal to establish Zion.
I find this subject is drawing more attention, for in each conference, I listen for and often hear reference to this subject from our leaders. It gives joy to my soul to hear it is a more common theme in these latter days.
Elder Holland said in 1985 that we should take every opportunity to learn, to dream dreams and see visions, and work toward their realization... Working toward establishing a Zion has always been my dream. Thus, as I start this new blog about realizing that dream or vision, I note it is "another" dream, but the same one I had before, and many others have.
So, I commit to strive to work toward that goal once again, that of establishing Zion.
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