Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 29

I have heard many people explain how thanksgiving started many years ago. It is wonderful to know, but for me, I am just grateful for the time, the challenge for forget the things I do not have and dwell upon the things I do have.

I challenged a group of young adults the other day to dwell upon gratitude, and quit worry so much about what we don't have. This morning, I decided that I better practice what I preach. Thus I am going to express gratitude for what I have, and express gratitude for the trials and challenges I have been blessed with. For are they not just opportunities to learn, to grow, and become more like my Father?

I feel bad, for yesterday I lost sight of that. I was so concerned about life, what I do not have, what I feel I need, and what is not coming to me, that I was depressed. Those who know me know that my depression is not at all like the depression of the world. It is just that in my quiet moments, I was not dwelling upon the Eternal Nature of things, I was dwelling upon my failures and why I was not blessed as I THOUGHT I SHOULD BE. Sin, Sin, Sin.

So, I have eliminated that self defeating thought from my soul, and today, and for at least the rest of the Thanksgiving week, I am going to dwell upon blessings, even blessings of hardship, for they are truly blessings.

I love my Father, for He knows what is best for me, and especially the timing of when, how and what. I am sure He is frustrated with me when I try to superimpose my timing onto His, when I try to tell Him what is best for me.

So, here's to having me behave better this week, and onward. My moment of depressiong or losing sight of the things that matter was very short, but it was awful, for I listened to the wrong whispers, and chose to ignore those from my Father. REPENTANCE is mine today. Those who happen to read this, please know that I wish you the best of Thankgivings with those you love close at hand, even eating turkey with you. (Save me a piece)

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