Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 28

If I am not concentrating on Building the Kingdom, it is totally my fault. When things of mortality get in the way, which they do almost every day, every hour, why can't I shed them, for in the Eternal View, they are insignificant.

"The natural man is an enemy to God....; unless he yields to the enticing of the Spirit, putteth off the natural man..."

I have been pondering about this phrase lately. Am I a natural man? Do I listen to the enticings? The promptings? That is what makes me different from the animal kingdom. Thus, how close am I to an animal today?

I would hope that I can continue to change, to perfect myself so I can listen more closely to those enticings, those promptings, for that is how Father directs me.

When I ignore them, when I pass them by as something other than what they are, the next time they are harder to hear. I am afraid that I am not listening as closely as I should thus those promptings still come, but because of me, they come in a different language and I cannot hear them.

How can I pursue His goals for me and mine if I don't listen? That is my goal.

As I write this post, I assume this blog is nothing more than just my journal, a way to share with myself what I am feeling, for it goes out to the world through this blog thing, and who knows what happens. Perhaps there is someone on Kolob, or a closer star that is reading the meanderings of this crazy person and either laughing, or wondering what is in my mind, what I am made of, and perhaps I should assume I am writing to a kindred spirit in another realm, or another Phase of existence. Who knows. Anyway this is enough for day 28.

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